Monday, October 19, 2009

Unusual barking

Caitey is a great girl that rarely barks, unless when she needs to go outside for her business.

Last night however, she was acting strangely.

After playing in my room with the girls before bed time, her dad put her back in her crate around 9:30pm expecting her to go to sleep quietly as usual.

Only she did not do it this time.

She first started whimpering and then barked loudly.

Not knowing what was wrong, her dad took her out, let her go outside or drink a little water or have a treat, and sent her back to her "room", but then the same drill of whimpering and barking would start all over again.

My husband had no choice but to carry Caitey back upstairs in his arms like a baby, let her visit our rooms and kiss each one of us when we were in bed already, and then brought her back down to her crate one more time.

Finally, Caitey went happily to sleep this time.