My husband, a former dog eater who almost sent Caitey away when we first had her, now thoroughly enjoyed walking her daily, sometimes as long as an hour and a half on one route.
Sometimes he would come back with a smirk on his face and tell me some juicy details of gossips in the neighbourhood. As I chased him for the source of such "chitchats", it turned out that he had met quite a few hot moms walking their dogs around the block. Of course chicks who typically dig puppies would also stop and comment to him how cute Caitey is.
Ya think I would let this go easily without making some serious noise? Think again!
I wasted no time to capitalize on this. I negotiated with my husband for the 2nd puppy that I was hoping to adopt -- if one cute puppy can do this, just think how popular he could be among the hot ladies in our neighbourhood when he has two?
Unfortunately hubby isn't a dummy -- he saw me right thru and flatly refused with a "we need to wait a little longer."
How much longer? I want Caitey to have a male companion, NOW. The poor girl needs someone of her own kind to play with... plus imagine how cool it would be to walk down Nassau St with not one but TWO beautiful Goldens?