We have FINALLY decided on my son's name after his sister Claire changed her mind every 5 minutes and had pretty much used up all the words that start with C in the dictionary. He will be Coley, which is a variant of Nicole in Greek with the meaning of "people of victory". It also sounds like the dog breed "Collie" which Claire is crazy about but graciously gave up for the protective power of a German.
My three girls and I went back to the shop to see Coley yesterday, unfortunately the staff would not let Caitey go thru the door due to health concern (I should have known better).
I have to say that I started to get nervous when a guy, who had two dogs already, also said that if we had not adopted Coley 1st he would have grabbed him in a heartbeat....I hope my son is still there when we are back to pick him up.
Coley was very happy to see us, the way he responded to us made me think that perhaps he remembers us now. We played with him for an hour or so with poor Caitey napping in the car. I was VERY happy though to see that Coley let us pet him and even licked all of us.
He was friendly to people in general, but somewhat hostile towards other dogs who tried to steal his ball. There were 4 dogs on the floor but he monopolized the ball the whole time, at one point he even pressed a much bigger Lab/Doodle mix down under him. I have to say that I had some ambivalence about my son's feisty side -- it was very nice to see that he was fearless, but I also hope its protectiveness can be used in a positive and productive way later.
I could also tell that he was very smart and constantly thinking on his feet. While the other 3 dogs were quite satisfied just playing inside the room, Coley on the other hand tried to sneak out left and right, LITERALLY. A couple of us had to move around fast to block his way out because his paws were too nimble and swift.
Coley got left in the same bin with that super hyper Lab/Doodle mix... poor baby, I hope he does not bother you too much.