I had a weird dream last night.
Don't remember the details but I dreamed that I had a group of dogs swimming in the river and I was standing by the river watching them with joy. At that point my neighbour came over and asked for her white dog back, to which I agreed.
I DO remember feeling sad that I had to let that white dog go because I was so fond of him.
Incidentally one of my real neighbours indeed has a white Cocker Spaniel and Golden Retriever mix. His name is Freckles, who looks more like a Cocker Spaniel than a Golden with his medium size. He is an adorable male dog who likes to wonder all around the map and get himself lost.
Maybe it was because I thought too much about what kind of husband to get for Caitey during the day. We are still debating if we should get a Golden or a German.... and if it is the former should we get just a regular Golden (golden colored) or a British (creamy colored) Golden?
Decisions decisions decisions .... as they call it "analysis paralysis".