Sunday, November 8, 2009

Updates on Caitey

Caitey is now a near 40-lb big beautiful girl with all her golden curly furry hair from head to tail.

She received her puppy training certificate for passing the required commands a week ago, but then you should know that they basically pass every dog that can stick with the program till the end, including my bad girl. She had a great time learning in class along with a few other dogs (mostly labs). We plan to send her back next January for intermediate class in hope that eventually she can go all the way up to finish advanced training to be a therapy dog. Besides driving us crazy, maybe she can do a few good things to people in need.

She has her problems as a puppy of course, the biggest one is jumping on kids when she gets overly excited around them. Caitey is a people dog which genuinely loves humans. That also means that there is NO way that she can protect our house, unless the intruder hates being greeted with two powerful front paws and licked by sloppy wet kisses.

She had a wonderful time roaming around the neighbourhood meeting our neighbours and other dogs on Halloween. I hate to brag (no not really) but it felt wonderful receiving so many heartfelt compliments for her. One interesting thing that we found out was how a few big grown-up dogs got afraid of this (overly) hyped puppy. At first we thought maybe the other dog was just too timid, but as we see more adult dogs backing off from Caitey, we start to think that maybe it was not the other dog -- it is just Caitey.

Lastly, you know you live in the Internet age when:
1. your two human girls started their own blogs on their canine sister at the ages of 9 and 10;
2. three people living under the same roof chat to each other from 3 devices in different rooms, each is struggling to remember what topic she has been on with whom;
3. your child sends you an email asking when you will be on Gmail chat next time;
Wait a minute, what happened to the old fashioned human interactions -- you know the kind that you do with your lips instead of your fingers?